What To Expect During A Laser Tattoo Removal Session

tattoo removal

Everything You Need To Know

Laser tattoo removal is one of the most popular and effective methods Understanding what to expect during a laser tattoo removal session is crucial for anyone considering the procedure, and can help to put any worries you have to bed. So here is your total guide to your first session of tattoo removal in London.

Pre-Treatment Preparation

On the day of your session, the tattooed area needs to be clean and free from lotions, makeup, or any substances that might interfere with the laser. Shaving the area may be necessary to ensure the laser can target the ink effectively. Don’t worry, your technician will advise you on how to best prepare.

Both the client and the specialist wear protective eyewear to shield their eyes from the laser’s intense light during a session. Ensuring eye safety is a crucial part of the preparation process, so be prepared to comply with these regulations.

What Happens During A Session?

The laser emits extremely focused and intense pulses of light that are absorbed by the tattoo ink particles, and this process breaks down the ink into smaller fragments. Individuals often describe the sensation as feeling like the snap of an elastic band against the skin or a rapid, repetitive pricking. If you can stand being tattooed, you’ll be fine!

The duration of a laser tattoo removal session depends on the size and complexity of your tattoo. Smaller tattoos may be treated in just a few minutes, while larger, multi-coloured tattoos can take longer.

During the session, your technician will take all necessary precautions to protect the surrounding skin, ensuring that only the tattooed area is treated. This minimises the risk of any damage to healthy skin.

Post-Treatment Care

After the laser treatment, the skin may appear irritated. This is a totally normal reaction and usually subsides within a few hours to a few days. You should keep the treated area clean and apply whichever ointment or cream your technician recommends to aid in the healing process.

It’s really important to protect the treated area from direct sunlight. Sun exposure can cause complications and hinder the healing process. The importance of wearing sunscreen or covering the area with clothing will be stressed to you, especially if you are undergoing treatment during the summer months.

It’s important for individuals to be patient as they undergo the tattoo removal process. Results are not immediate, and several sessions may be needed to achieve the desired level of tattoo fading or complete removal. The number of sessions needed depends on the tattoo’s size, ink colours, and your skin type. The tattoo will gradually fade with each session.

Booking Your First Session

Understanding the entire process, from pre-treatment preparation to post-treatment care, can help you to feel much more confident about laser tattoo removal. If you are going to go ahead, make sure to book with a qualified, trusted provider for the best possible results.

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